

Enabling a Digital Experience for fitness & health devices

Lena Sedlmeier

Marketing & Communications


By adding a digital product, we lift your product into the digital sphere with numerous opportunities for your business and your users.

For your business

Increase Customer retention and access

With gamification and other “sticky” features, clients will come back more often to your fitness device and therefore see more value in your product. On top of that, you establish a direct access point to keep in touch with your customers e.g. via push-notifications on their own device.

Expose your product's value

With a digital companion, you are able to make sure the users use your product right, increase the adoption of your features and give individual guidance to guarantee a great customer experience.

Collect useful data

Responsibly and anonymously collecting data from your users can help you make informed decisions about your product.Collecting user data responsibly and anonymously will support you to make informed and founded decisions.

Digital brand association

The future is digital and so should be your product portfolio. An impeccable and unique digital performance is no longer a nice-to-have but a must-have to represent your company and your products.

For your customers

Excellent user experience

With a familiar interface on a familiar device, you reduce the barrier to the most important features of your fitness device and make it easy and fun to use while also providing helpful features and insights.

Be part of a community

Fitness unites people and creates communities. A digital companion adds the missing piece of an at-home device: connecting like-minded people to form a community that can boost motivation and social belonging.

Gain insights & knowledge

How can I improve? This and many more questions often come up during the long-term user journey and can be answered via insights and content inside your digital product.

Go digital with success

Many digital projects fail - ours don't. Developing a successful product required clear business and user goals and the proper people and processes to execute and improve the product in an agile way. Understanding your target users and creating great solutions based on evidence requires product experts like UX/Product Designers, not only developers.

At Envidual, we work in product teams that have the proper skillset to execute your product vision.